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See some of the projects in the context of knowledge sharing and free (libre) software and hardware. Projects that are entirely done by our foundation, projects that our foundation has helped with or which we have had an advisory, encouraging or supportive role.

We believe in free, as in libre, software and hardware. Promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration in and between industries. We encourage the use and development of free software and hardware. Our foundation offers support and actively contributes to the development and social awareness of free (libre) software and hardware.

Picture of The Owl's Nest The Owl's Nest is an initiative of ASK-Solutions to let people reconnect with others and especially with themselves. We put people back in their power or let them discover their power. We inspire people, offer people the (inner) space they need to grow and be proud of themselves and the world. Logo of the CMS Nocterra Nocterra is a freedom-respecting Content Management System that helps you build comprehensive websites with a focus on speed, privacy, security and accessibility. Logo of The Airbus A340 Glass Cockpit The Airbus A340 Glass Cockpit was a free (as in libre) software project of our foundation in collaboration with various parties. The software is based around distributed computing technology.
ASK-Solutions complies with ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance